Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center Solo Show

Installation pics of solo show at Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center thanks to photographer extraordinaire Marilyn Zimmerwoman!

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Artist Statement

I have shied away from the word “retrospective” as it seems to imply that one is old or dead and at the end of a career. Yes, Infolding/Unfolding is an exhibit of work from over three decades. But, I am happier and more alive than I have ever been and just beginning a whole new chapter in my art career.

Infolding/Unfolding is curated by Amy Kantgias. These reliefs and sculptures blend my love of Jungian psychology, alchemy, dreams, tarot, ritual, mythology, and shamanism with matter.  My intense exploration of mediums and techniques over the years has given me the freedom to incorporate a wide range of materials in my work. Polymer, found wood, beads, plant material, birdseed, minerals, cactus, shells, bones, kozo fiber, adobe, glass, hog casing, fleece, feathers, wax, and metal have all been appropriated.

I am wildly excited about my new Threshold Series that melds handmade felt and needle felting with many of these materials. And still the common thread running through all my work is an In/folding/Unfolding of the spiritual and physical worlds to create autobiographical narratives where rhythm, balance, and harmony invite the viewer’s participation.