Road Kill Rescue

While vacationing in northern Michigan, I discovered a dead possum on the side of the road. Although seriously flattened, the jaw and front paw appeared to be fairly in tact. I grabbed some plastic bags at the cottage and returned to the scene for possum pickup. The rest is evident! Stayed tuned to see how Possum works his way into a future art piece. Special thanks to Diane Pinney for her assistance and photo documentation.

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A special note of interest: According to Ted Andrews in Animal Speak, opossum teaches us how to use appearances. Sometimes it is necessary to ‘play dead.’  Sometimes it is necessary to put up a particular front to succeed most easily and effectively. This is what the medicine of opossum can teach. It also can show you when others are putting up false fronts and deceptions. The opossum has an archetypal energy that helps us to use appearances to our greatest benefit and that helps us to recognize when others are creating false impressions.

Road Kill Rescue
Road Kill Rescue