All posts by Susan Aaron-Taylor

About Susan Aaron-Taylor

Susan Aaron-Taylor is a builder and a storyteller whose hands and spirit work collectively to create works of art rooted in the traditions of alchemy and creative fantasy. A sculptor, teacher, and student of Jungian psychology, Aaron-Taylor mines the realm of dreams, archetypes, and the collective unconscious to invent mythologies entwined in personal history, mysticism, and ritual.

Historic Missions of the Southwest

This past May I spent two wonderful weeks visiting with my good friend Diane in Santa Fe. I brought along a list of places I wanted to visit and sites I needed to research for my work. As I look back on my list, I am amazed that we covered everything and more! The top priority was visitations to historic missions in Santa Fe, Truchas, Chimayo, and Taos, NM. While a few of the missions were not open to the public, several were open and in very good repair. I was most taken with Santuario de Chimayo. I had visited it many years before and remembered it to be quite an emotional experience. The site has been expanded to include several more outbuildings with more ‘touristy’ kinds of items for purchase. While the sanctuary appears to be a bit more organized, it remains a deeply sacred and holy place. I hope you enjoy the images of these missions and devotional images.

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Detroit Artists Market Biennial Exhibition

I am honored to have Threshold #7 included in Detroit Artists Market Biennial All Media Exhibition: Terrain. The exhibition was juried by painter extraordinaire, Jim Nawara and features work by 40 talented Detroit artists. It opens April 27-May 26.

Threshold #7 29”x14”x7”, Handmade felt, hand stitching, and beads
Threshold #7 29”x14”x7”, Handmade felt, hand stitching, and beads

Threshold #7 29”x14”x7”, Handmade felt, hand stitching, and beads
Threshold #7 29”x14”x7”, Handmade felt, hand stitching, and beads

Installation and Opening @ Connections Gallery

It’s been a real pleasure exhibiting my sculpture in Connections Gallery at North Campus Research Complex-University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.
Many thanks to Art Coordinator, Grace Serra for curating the show. I have enjoyed working with her immensely. I am also grateful to Dr. Dora Apel, Clara DeGalan, and K.A.Letts for the
writing such comprehensive articles on my work.

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Road Kill Rescue

While vacationing in northern Michigan, I discovered a dead possum on the side of the road. Although seriously flattened, the jaw and front paw appeared to be fairly in tact. I grabbed some plastic bags at the cottage and returned to the scene for possum pickup. The rest is evident! Stayed tuned to see how Possum works his way into a future art piece. Special thanks to Diane Pinney for her assistance and photo documentation.

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A special note of interest: According to Ted Andrews in Animal Speak, opossum teaches us how to use appearances. Sometimes it is necessary to ‘play dead.’  Sometimes it is necessary to put up a particular front to succeed most easily and effectively. This is what the medicine of opossum can teach. It also can show you when others are putting up false fronts and deceptions. The opossum has an archetypal energy that helps us to use appearances to our greatest benefit and that helps us to recognize when others are creating false impressions.

Road Kill Rescue
Road Kill Rescue

Teapots! 11th Invitational @ Morgan Contemporary Glass

Teapots!11th Invitational @ Morgan Contemporary in Pittsburgh runs from April 7-June 10th. This year I created “PinePot” from primarily pine branches and pine cones. The handle on the lid is a prehistoric bison tooth. The various sizes of pine cones were collected from many places…Michigan, Florida, and Connecticut. I have utilized whole pine cones, pine cone cross sections for the lid and individual parts of pine cones for the lid and foot of the pot. The inside is covered with pine needles from Florida. I wrapped small bundles of pine needles and then wove them together to create pine needle mats. (14″x13″x8″)

Sculptural Basketry Workshop with the Potomac Fiber Arts Guild

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I was recently invited by the Potomac Fiber Arts Guild to present a lecture on my Creative Process and to teach a mini and an extended sculptural basketry workshop in Rockville, Maryland. It was great fun. My students were creative, intense, dexterous, talented, and just terrific to teach. My four days with the group flew by. I look forward to receiving pics of the finished pieces.

Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center Solo Show

Installation pics of solo show at Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center thanks to photographer extraordinaire Marilyn Zimmerwoman!

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Artist Statement

I have shied away from the word “retrospective” as it seems to imply that one is old or dead and at the end of a career. Yes, Infolding/Unfolding is an exhibit of work from over three decades. But, I am happier and more alive than I have ever been and just beginning a whole new chapter in my art career.

Infolding/Unfolding is curated by Amy Kantgias. These reliefs and sculptures blend my love of Jungian psychology, alchemy, dreams, tarot, ritual, mythology, and shamanism with matter.  My intense exploration of mediums and techniques over the years has given me the freedom to incorporate a wide range of materials in my work. Polymer, found wood, beads, plant material, birdseed, minerals, cactus, shells, bones, kozo fiber, adobe, glass, hog casing, fleece, feathers, wax, and metal have all been appropriated.

I am wildly excited about my new Threshold Series that melds handmade felt and needle felting with many of these materials. And still the common thread running through all my work is an In/folding/Unfolding of the spiritual and physical worlds to create autobiographical narratives where rhythm, balance, and harmony invite the viewer’s participation.

Video from the N’Namdi Center For Contemporary Art Opening Reception

Here is a brief video featuring Susan Aaron-Taylor from her Journeying Series opening reception in the Rose Gallery of the N’Namdi Center For Contemporary Art on June 12th, 2015.

Video from our opening reception on June 12. Don't forget to join us this Saturday, June 27 for Susan Aaron-Taylor's Artist Talk in the Rose Gallery! 2:00pm

Posted by N'Namdi Center For Contemporary Art on Wednesday, June 24, 2015